Word Warrior – Free for two days

Very similar to Dungeon Scroll, but with even more RPG elements! Create words, defeat your enemies, gain experience, get better armor and weapons to increase your attack and defense. I dare say you get a cross between Dungeon Scroll and Swords&Poker. It’s pretty interesting and definitely worth the download. Free for 11/8 and 11/9. Better get a move on!

Word Warrior is a new age role playing word game. Use words in this epic quest to conquer your foes and restore peace to the land.
Thousands of years ago, The Word King waged a grand war and banished all evil from the land. Fearing one day evil would return he sealed what is most precious in The Great Library of the Kings. Only the King alone could ever open the doors to The Great Library, so he gave his life and split his soul into seven different pieces.
As many years passed, the seven spirits became weakened. The great spirits became corrupt and conjured evil once more into the world. Never had such evil prevailed upon the land. The great spirits had become nearly unstoppable. Only the prophesied ‘Word Warrior’ could restore peace into the world by vanquishing the evil and reuniting the spirits of the Word King.
Game Features:
* Use your wit and word knowledge to battle waves of enemies and progress through the world
* Destroy your enemy before he destroys you!
* Multiple battle modes (i.e. 5 letter words, words that start with R, etc.).
* Use elemental letter tiles to deal extra damage.
* Fully customizable character!! Thousands of combinations of armor/weapons. Different items give different upgrades!
* Hours of gameplay. No game is the same twice!
* Full gameplay info and tutorials accessible from the main menu.



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