Another success with Katalon Studio

Previously I made mentioned that we migrated from one web platform to another and Katalon was instrumental in running hundreds of tests to ferret out where we had data or code issues. Right on the heels of that migration, we needed to do an a framework upgrade. In essence we had to run the same validation tests again to confirm we didn’t have any code or data issues. The test suite has grown and includes several new tests, but still takes less than 10 minutes to run. Plus, when using the data driven test case I discussed earlier, this can be run for dozens of passes, one after the other, and we just check the Reports folder to see if there were any problems. At the customer site, their QA resource wanted a minimum of a week to confirm the framework upgrade. I have to admit, my jaw dropped. I didn’t understand why it would take so long to go […]

Getting the number of pages in a pagination ribbon

For a recent test, I needed to determine the number of pages available in a pagination ribbon. My goal was to make sure I could go from the first page to the last page and back again. This would validate the pagination ribbon was working and would have a different number of pages for different filtered results. As a simple test, I read the first name on the page, jump to the end, read the name on the page and make sure the two are different. When I get back to Page 1, I read the first name again and make sure it’s the same name as when I read it the first time. To start with, the pagination ribbon was a group of List Items with the ul and li tags. I first tried to work with it as an object, which will work, but in order to count the number of pages, I accessed it with the webdriver. […]