Viewing images with iSee Image Browser

Another tool from DummyApps, this time for images, is iSee Image Browser, which I use for quickly finding, sorting, and deleting images. But, with so many image viewers what makes this one different? I prefer iSee because of the cost, browsing layout, it doesn’t make a catalog, and the image sorting. There are lots of other features, like zoom, rotate, side by side layout, top vs bottom layout, search, and adding files from multiple locations into a single view, and slideshow. I’ve used iSee to review, move, and delete thousands of images. I can pick my images, drag them to Retrobatch, move them to another folder, remove them from the “catalog” or delete them off the drive. iSee is also smart enough to read selected files, a folder, or folder and subfolder. And no need to worry about other file formats, if it’s not an image type, iSee skips it, no errors or throwing up. Another very handy feature of […]

🖼 Adding CameraBag Photo to my image editing toolbox

The application CameraBag Photo, which I’ve never heard of before, came up in a new releases feed and the description intrigued me. CameraBag lets you instantly apply one of hundreds of beautiful presets to your photos (and videos with CameraBag Pro), and then dive deeper with ultra-intuitive professional adjustments. Among the over 200 included fully-adjustable presets (including landscape, classic film emulation, vintage looks, modern photo styles, and more) are presets specifically designed for portrait photography, and other tools perfectly suited for editing portraits. Wait, that sounds like Lightroom… Turns out, it is. CameraBag is a cost effective, high performance alternative to Lightroom. And by cost effective, it’s $30. At that price it has to be a toy, a cheap knock off, right? No, it’s exactly what Lightroom used to be before it went off the rails and increased in price and bloat. CamerBag Photo is all about color adjustment using Tones, Curves, Saturation, White Balance, and Exposure. Those can be […]