Adding Timing Flags to Test Cases within Katalon

I've made reference to this before, but due to the success I've had using it, I wanted to bring it up again. Within my tests cases I have been adding markers to time how long it takes to complete an action. This is usually connected with the Save action or something similar. For example, how long does it takes to save the form data? Or how long does it take to move from one page to another. Using the "feature flag" idea, I place the start of the code right before there is an action to click the button. After the click action, there is a waitForElementVisible action, which waits for an email address input field to become visible. Once we can take action on it, the Save action is complete and we can record the time between those two events. if (timedTest==true){ timeStart = new Date() }'btn-Save Cart)) WebUI.waitForElementVisible(findTestObject(input-Email Address'), 90) if (timedTest==true){ timeStop = new Date() TimeDuration […]