That iPad, it might just catch on
Wow, Apple has sold 3 million iPads in less than 90 days. I think we were all blown away when Apple sold a million in a single month but here we see they’re keeping that same pace and it’s hard to say if there’s any signs of slowing down. Of course, what competition is there? Apple will probably go unchallenged for next few months, possibly even into Christmas. Even if Apple slows down to a mere 500.000 units per month, that’s still 6 million or so iPad in the hands of customers by the end of the year. That’s a hell of a lot of sales, and a huge base of customers for casual games, books and streaming movies.
I’m still jealous of people who have one. My buddy Theo should be getting his on Friday. And Don should be getting his iPhone 4 tomorrow. Let the Apple love flow! 🙂