Who put that Creeper in my living room?

Mistakes were made. There was a Creeper in my living room.

They’re starting to act like wild wolves, hunting packs and picking on the weak. I was once again jumped by two Creepers in formation. The first one blew the front door to my house right off the hinges while the other fell into the massive creator it made thereby putting itself smack dab in the middle of my living room. On the whole scale of good and bad this was very bad since the living room is where I store all my materials. And since I lost all my stuff in the previous lava incident I had no weapons with which to defend myself.

Apparently Don heard my girlish cries of terror and came running over to assist. With great haste he dispatched the cretins and helped me down off the ledge. Literally. I was trapped on the ledge the explosion made and couldn’t go anywhere because the Creeper was just in front of me bouncing up and down like a loon waiting for me to come into range.

With the pickle menace squashed I was able to get back to work of replanting the forest which had also previously been destroyed by fire. I shudder to think of how the next attack is going to go down. Clearly I need to get some resources so I can defend myself and cry in hysterics when danger strikes.

We learn more from our mistakes than from our successes.

Thanks for reading you majestic sausage.

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