Beat The Elite – Archie Bollocks – Epic Boss Event – Crime City

Now this is something odd, there are two events running at the same time within Crime City. The Military Case is still going, of which I have 9 Walkie Talkies and am desperately hoping number 10 comes along before time expires, but now we have the Archie Bollocks Epic Boss Event. I didn’t know the game would actually support this so it’s pretty cool.

It took a long time for this event to show up and my first two attacks have produced lame results. I got the Punk Plaid Pants and the Toxic Razer. This is almost as bad as the dozens of Enhanced Bikes and Carnival Sledgehammers I’ve gotten in the other event.Seriously, how many Enhanced Bikes do I need? Can Gree swap out the weapons from time to time?

There will be plenty to do this weekend, most of which will be opening boxes and hoping to score that M32-Thumper. If I don’t get it after two full days of opening cases I’m going to pissed. That really doesn’t mean anything, but rest assured, I will be pissed.



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