DisplayFusion – On Sale and On Steam

If you have multiple monitors then you need to get the most out of them and that means using DisplayFusion. It has all the power and features that Windows has been lacking since 1998 when dual monitors came around.

With DisplayFusion you get a taskbar across each screen, a wallpaper for each monitor, easy window dragging, titlebar buttons, customized hotkeys, logon screen changer and a slew of other features. This has become my standard tool of choice when working with more than one monitor. And it’s not just for dual monitors. It can handle anything you throw at it.

DisplayFusion is now on sale through the Steam store and that’s means it’s also On Sale. You can grab a copy for a mere $9.29. That’s 69% off! Sale Ends July 22nd.

DisplayFusion on Steam for $9.29


About the Software

DisplayFusion will make your multi-monitor life much easier. With powerful features like Multi-Monitor Taskbars, TitleBar Buttons and fully customizable Functions, DisplayFusion will make managing your multiple monitors easy.

Customize your desktop with Multi-Monitor Wallpapers from WallpaperFusion, Flickr, Vladstudio and more. Tile, stretch, scale, crop, position and tint your images exactly how you want. Keep your windows easily organized by adding a taskbar to each of your monitors. DisplayFusion comes bundled with over 30 pre-configured Functions, or you can create your own powerful custom Functions. Create Functions to load Wallpaper or Monitor Profiles, move windows around, change window opacity, toggle DisplayFusion features and much more. Use DisplayFusion to set your Monitor Configuration. Configure the resolution, colour depth, refresh rate and orientation. You can even save your configurations as Monitor Profiles that you can load later using a key combination or TitleBar Button. Link a Wallpaper Profile with your Monitor Profile to load your desktop wallpaper automatically based on the monitors you have connected. Use DisplayFusion’s powerful Windows Logon background image changer to customize your logon screen. Why settle for one screen saver on your main monitor? With DisplayFusion you can span your screen saver across all monitors, or even display a different screen saver on each monitor.

This DisplayFusion license is a lifetime license, you won’t pay anything for any future updates or new major versions. Pay once, and enjoy DisplayFusion forever!

Key Features

  • Multi-Monitor Taskbars
  • Multi-Monitor wallpaper management
  • Customizable functions (with hotkey mapping)
  • Monitor configuration and profiles
  • Window snapping
  • Window management
  • Window location rules (automatically move application windows)
  • Change your Windows logon background
  • Multi-Monitor Screen Savers
  • Save and restore your desktop icon layout
  • Supports as many monitors as you can hookup to your computer
  • Available in over 30 languages
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