The Black Rose–Beat the Elite–Epic Boss Event–Crime City

It’s time for YET ANOTHER Crime City Event. There are 3 Events already going on at once. We have the Annual Crime Spree, Investment Schemes, Party Crashers. Because that wasn’t enough Gree added the Black Rose Epic Boss Event to the mix. Ok seriously, this is getting out of hand. One event is cool. Two is can be interesting. But 5 running at once, what the hell? Gree needs to seriously tone this done a touch. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

But here is The Black Rose. A new Epic Boss Event with the usual prizes. This is the new tiered event where you get a new prize at 20, 30 and 40 wins. I think I’ll get to Level 20 and call the event done. I’ve already moved on past the Annual Crime Spree. I got to Level 32 and will focus my attention on the Party Crashers event. For the level of involvement the prizes should really be a lot better.

As I said before, I’m just casually playing these. I don’t have the time to keep up with all these games. Gree has taken the casual OUT of casual gaming. I’ll do what I can and move on. This game is becoming a little too much like having a job. I like the weapons and the stats, but there are other things to do in life.



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