How to Block games by Title and Tag on Steam
The simple goal is to block certain types of games from being displayed on the Steam store front page and from the Discovery Queue. To be honest, I’m tired of the Anime genre that pops up some very suspect titles. There are 2 ways to block games – by title and by tag. Most people are familiar how to block a title. Once the title is selected, click Not Interested underneath the window and it will no longer come up. Additionally, you can block by Tag in the Discovery Queue. Once in the queue, click the Customize link and exclude the Tag, in this case Anime, from the list. To block games from the main store front, hover the mouse over the game title graphic and in the right hand corner of the image you should see two downward pointing arrows or chevrons. Click this and select Preferences. You can then block a Tag, again Anime, and Save the preferences. […]
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