Advanced Uninstaller Pro 10.1 for $12 (70% discount)

Advanced Uninstaller PRO is an application which gives you the ability to easily and completely remove any program from your computer, deleting all traces and leftovers. The latest release features full support for Windows 7, Vista and XP, full support for both 32 bit and 64 bit platforms, an updated installation monitor and also an in-depth uninstallation scanner able to perform a thorough cleanup even for applications that were installed a long time ago. Some important new improvements in Advanced Uninstaller PRO 10: Uninstall applications completely. After each removal, Advanced Uninstaller PRO scans for program items (both registry and disk items) that were left behind, and cleans them out. This works for most of the programs installed on your PC. Full support for Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP. Full support for both 32 bit and 64 bit platforms. Improved installation monitor, which helps you monitor an application’s setup much better than before and create a complete log containing […]