Passing Katalon Objects with Parameters to Custom Keywords

Here is a situation I ran into yesterday with the project I'm currently putting together. After doing a search, I need to check the number of results returned before I read any values from the table. In this instance, the table does not appear if there are no results. So what I need to do is check for the existence of the table. Within Katalon itself, the definition I use refers to a row and column of the table: 'Business Locations/table-Business Locations', [('row') : 2, ('column') : 2])) This works fine and I can read any of the cells I need. I can also reference this within the test itself using the familiar WebUI.getText(findTestObject('Business Locations/table-Business Locations', [('row') : 2, ('column') : 2])) Since all the tables work the same way, I set about making a Custom Keyword, to perform this action across the site. The problem comes in when I need to pass that object to the Custom Keyword. By […]