Password protecting documents regardless of application

With the “physical” and “financial” end of the year at hand, as well as tax season around the corner, it’s time to create lists and pull together documents that will certainly contain private information. Keeping a shopping list private is one thing, but what about financial information, tax documents and medical receipts? Or going a step further with employee information, HR information, company financial records or the secret location to Al Capone’s vault? To get prepared, I went on a wild search looking for tools to store documents, encrypt text and lock folders. While I came up with some decent ideas like Safenotes in Roboform, password protected notes in the macOS Notes app, and creating password protected databases in DevonThink, I overlooked the simple solution. And it’s build in to macOS. Create an encrypted, password protected volume (DMG file) and store the files inside. This can be done using Disk Utility. Within Disk Utility, select File – New Image – […]

Why use a Mac for development?

There are multiple reasons why I develop and test on the Mac. Primarily, it's the platform my company has chosen. But beyond that, over the last two years I have replaced almost all of my Windows machines with Mac computers. I have a Mac Pro at work and at home, along with a Mac mini, a pair of iMacs, and a few combinations of MacBooks. Not to mention my collection of iPads going back to the original model, and a couple of iPod Touch devices. Well before that, I got my start with the Apple II, a machine I still hold in very high regard. By the time college came around, I was working on PC clones with only occasional stints on a Mac. Then it became all Windows based machines. I didn't really come back to Apple until the original iPad came out. To me, that device was magical. It was so utterly brilliant in both form and function. […]