👩‍💻 An impressive array of features in DevUtils ⌘

Like several apps in my tool belt, I picked up DevUtils in a Bundlehunt sale. It wasn’t on my original list of tools to get, but the feature set looked really good. It has turned out to be a real gem. And getting more polished with each release. Originally, I was drawn to the JSON formatter, XML Beautify, and Text Diff Checker. I use those all the time in my QA work. Further, it’s just a bad idea to paste company text and code into random websites to get the same functionality. I also became a fan of the RegEx Tester. I can use all the help I can get with RegEx, and this is very handy. I have a tool called Patterns, but if I’m already in DevUtils, why open something else? Further, Pattens hasn’t seen an update in a couple of years. Might not need it, but still, new OS version have come along. DevUtils has regular updates […]

Text Filtering and Replace with Keyboard Maestro

Along with many other features, Keyboard Maestro has some solid text Filtering features. You can combine this with Search and Replace to strip formatting and clean text. If it’s extensive, I hand this task over to TextSoap, but Keyboard Maestro has quite a few tricks to work with. For example, the Filter block has some built in ways to clean text. As an example, there is: The Search and Replace block can replace words as well as use Regular Expressions. This can be used to remove Tab, CRLF, and other characters that Filter may miss. I used this for a variety of tasks. The obvious is stripping out characters or making sure everything is lowercase. I’ve also taken Katalon Studio comments and stripped out the // and /* blocks so I could use my comments in documentation. Another use has been a macro to convert JIRA tickets into a task list. I copy the text, then use Keyboard Maestro to […]