A full year of working remotely

It’s hard to believe, but I’ve circled around to complete a year of working remotely. I’m sure many are coming up on the same “anniversary.” Again, the reasoning behind all this is terrible, but I’ve been shockingly content to work from my home office all these months. Many would say I’ve been preparing to work in isolation for decades. The reason being, I have strong introvert traits. I’m not a big fan of crowds either, which could easily be social anxiety. I’m not going to add “disorder” since I haven’t been “diagnosed” nor do I think it’s a disorder. I’m very content to work on my own. If we keep the crowd to under 5 people, we’re all good. Just to make the point, social anxiety and antisocial are NOT the same thing. Anyway, here’s a few benefits I’ve gotten from working from home: I get more exercise now that I’m not stuck in traffic. My work from home computer […]

All this working remotely is going very well

So, we've crossed into month 5 of working remotely and things are going quite well. When we "left" the office in March, I expected this was a one, maybe two week long reaction to the Covid unknown. After I made a mad dash to grab my machine before they actually locked the doors, I knew things were getting serious. That being said, we are just as busy as we were before, with plenty of projects to work on. There are site updates such as UI improvement, backend performance changes, refactoring code to make it more extensible, and lots of requested features. We have more than enough to easily carry us through the end of the year. In fact, we have more work than people. I haven't been much for working from home, except during the holidays, and that's because so many other people are gone, there isn't a point in sitting in an empty office. But as things stand, we […]

8 Weeks of working remotely, and all’s well

I am now at the 8 week mark of working remotely, and I have to say, not only do I really like working from home, I would be fine if we kept working this way. I have really adapted to this change and much prefer how my day is now structured. Not being stuck in traffic has given me back 2 hours of my day. Every day. I take multiple breaks during the day to take a short walk around the house, or stretch, or lift a set with the kettle bell, or use the resistance bands. When the sun is out, I can eat lunch on the deck. At the end of the day, I can exercise and be done before I would normally get home. I am probably more productive than I was before since I really can't be interrupted. I know my automation project gets new features each week. I can't be late for work or a […]

Week #3 of working remotely – Build your workspace

We're at the start of week 3 for working remotely and I think just about everyone has found their rhythm. But, it has taken awhile, and one thing I heard from multiple people, they weren't prepared to work remotely for an extended period. The main problem? Nowhere to work. We have people who work remotely and that's no issue. But, that's for a day. They can handle calls, or attend meetings, or put together a client proposal, but not everyone has a dedicated work machine or a dedicated work area. Working from the couch or kitchen table is fine for a few hours, but it's not going to do for several weeks. Many people spent the weekend getting themselves set up for the long haul. Some just had to clear off a desk, while others had to race out and actually get a desk. Several people had to get full sized monitors. Some retrieved equipment from the office, others ended […]

Week #2 of working remotely

So here we are at the tail end of two weeks of working remotely. I had to make a dash into the office late Wednesday as our building would be closed until further notice due to the stay at home order. I figured it was better for me to have the machine here than it collecting dust in an empty building. Oddly, there were far more people on the road than I expected. Maybe they were out and about doing the same thing, grabbing machines and necessities from their place of work, which could be confused with looting. Rest assured, I totally had permission to get my own machine from work. Other than the laughable toilet paper situation, I find things to be going quite well. We are communicating regularly through Slack and use Zoom to have team meetings. This was already the norm since we've had people working remotely for various reasons for a couple of years. I have […]