Sometimes technology really does amaze me

So, a few months ago I had a catastrophic failure of my iPad. Sad fact is, it got ruined when it got wet. It was completely my fault and it destroyed a perfectly good device. I’ve been using my original iPad with the intent I would buy another when the new model is released. Alas, I couldn’t wait that long. I kept checking the Apple site and found a really good on a refurbished 4th Generation device. But here’s the part that astounds me. I selected the specific model I want. Keep in mind it’s a specific color and memory size. It’s also in China. I find it amazing that this specific device can be found in a warehouse of unknown size and shipped from thousands of miles away to my door.

It used to be that it would takes months to travel from one continent to another. To travel from America to England was an epic voyage that would take months. To travel to China was a monumental undertaking. You didn’t wake up one morning and say, "oh, I feel like going to China today." You would have to plan your life to make such a trek and it’s not like a ship was leaving every 15 minutes to take you across the big water. It sort of takes you back when you can order a device from the other size of the world, they can find it amongst all the other devices that look exactly the same and have it show up a few days later.

The new device will be here by the end of the week. That will be quite festive. I’m looking forward to getting back to playing Plague and some racing. And even though it’s a refurb, it’s been fixed by Apple, still has the warrant, it’s a 4th Generation device which is an upgrade for me and the price was slashed by several hundred dollars. If this all works out, I may have to get an iPad Air this way.

This space for rent.

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