What is the Matrix?

I don’t know why, but I got the urge to watch The Matrix. Hard to imagine that crazy movie is already 10 years old. We can debate endlessly over the sequels, but the original movie is still pretty damn cool. Even today few movies have come close in either story or visual effects. Suffice it to say, I had a damn good time watching it.

Always a smart ass

Why is it that everytime I go riding my bike, there is always some dumbass who hangs their head out the window and yells something stupid as they go passing by? Are they hitting on me? Is there some set of circumstances where this is actually cool?

A lot of miles

Between Saturday and Sunday I got 30 miles of riding done. Not too bad. I was hoping for a longer ride today, but the timing just didn’t work out for me.

Digital Fortress is now complete

Even though this launch took way longer than expected I did manage to get a lot of reading done. Well, listening actually. I got through The Da Vinci Code, Angels&Demons and Digital Fortress in the amount of time it took to test this site. Actually, listening along while working on testing is working out pretty well. I will have to get some more audio books for the months ahead since there is a lot of new stuff coming. I do have Deception Point in the wings which I’ll start on Monday. Yeah I know, there is a Dan Brown love fest going on. But I like the guy’s work, even Digital Fortress which I still think is a good story. After that, I might switch over to some Agatha Christie and listen to some of the great mysteries with Hercule Poriot. I have all the damn movies so I might as well listen to the stories. If you know a […]