BlogPress – Price Drop from $2.99 to $0.99


Published by: CLT Studio
Current Version: 1.4.0 (iPhone OS 3.0 Tested) released 2009-09-03
Price: 0.99
Category: Social Networking

App Description

BlogPress now ON SALE for limited time!!!

BlogPress is fast, easy to use, rich featured blogging App for iPhone. Now you can write your blog or travel log on the road, share news and photos with your friends in real time!!

Highlighted Features:

* Now !! BlogPress come with VIDEO UPLOAD. Please setup your youtube account, BlogPress will upload your video and insert it directly to your post!

* A mini Rich-text, WYSIWYG editor: BlogPress editor is as easy as Word. Placing your photos anywhere in the text is now a few taps away!! even you don’t know html code. The posts will look the same as your editing.

* No limitation and easy-to-use photo uploader. You can upload MORE THEN ONE photo in a single post to any supported platform. Photos will be uploaded either to your own Picasa Web Album or to BlogPress Public Album hosted by us. Thumbnails will be auto generated and link to the full size images.

* Write once, multiple posts: By just one click!! you can send the same post to multiple blogs at various platforms. If you have more than one blog, this will definitely be a handy feature for you.

* Landscape editing mode: Allow you input your article with “big finger” landscape keyboard.

**** How to enter landscape mode ***
1. Click editor of BlogPress, the keyboard will be showed up, 2. rotate your iPhone/iPod touch to enter landscape editing mode.
3. When you finish editing, rotate it back.

Other features:

* Support most of the mainstream blog platforms:
– Blogger / BlogSpot
– MSN Live Spaces
– WordPress
– Movable Type
– TypePad
– LiveJournal
– Drupal
– Joomla
We are working and testing on other platforms. Send us an email if you wish us to prioritize your blog platform.

* Support full options of blog, labels/tags, categories, publish date and online draft(private post)

* Support image thumbnail resize, alignment and links.

* Simple and elegant desinged, clear and no confusing interface, easy to use, no need to learn. The buttons display only when you need it.

* Automatically save your draft in case a phone call comes in while you are blogging.

* Save drafts on the way, post them when online.

* Manage multiple blogs. Easily write, edit and delete your posts and drafts.

* Support blog signature customization.

* Support font size customization.






Author Signature for Posts