Turkey Hunter 3D – $0.99

Do you remember that crazy assed German game called Moorhuhn where you took potshots at turkeys as they flew across the screen? If not, there was this crazy assed German game called Moorhuhn where you took potshots at turkeys as they flew across the screen.

Well, it seems those damn turkeys have made their way to the iPod, or at least a pretty darn good copy. Enter the Turkey Hunter, an amusing little shooter where you once again take potshots at turkeys as they fly across the screen. They bob and weave, dodge and parry, but in the end you just need to line them up and pull the trigger. But don’t forget to reload!

For $0.99 you can’t beat it. But you can shoot it!

Here’s some game footage, but pay no attention to the guy playing, he sucks.



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