I slashed my way through Dungeon Hunter

After much hacking and slashing I completed my first run through Dungeon Hunter as the Barbarian. There is a multi-part quest at the very end with multiple bosses that must be defeated before you face the final showdown with the Queen. Loot is flying fast and furious in this final stage and there are multiple hordes trying to do you in. It gets ugly in there.

But first, let’s get the bad stuff out of the way. There’s a couple of things which I didn’t like about the game:

Merchants are useless – While they’re useful for dumping junk weapons in a hurry they don’t sell anything useful. Every weapon I used I found along the way. To expand that, what is the point of gold in this game? If I can’t buy any cool weapons why do I need gold? I have the same complaints about Diablo. Why can’t I buy massively powerful weapons and armor? And since I’m trying to save your town why are you charging me for stuff? Ungrateful whelps!

Too easy to get lost – In several layouts they have done a great job of giving you a board to explore. However, without a map function you can get lost and end up going around in circles trying to find the right path. If there was a way to bring up a map of where you’ve been on that level it would be outstanding.

The final challenges seemed a little too easy – I’m not sure if this is a complaint or not. 🙂 I thought I would be using more potions and having to fight and run, bob and weave, dodge and cower. I basically stood there and just hacked away. Maybe that’s because it was the Barbarian, but there was no need to retreat or draw anyone out to face them one at a time. I don’t know how the other characters will fair, but it did seem a pretty easy to me. Not that it wasn’t cool and fun, but I was expecting to get my ass kicked at least once.

But don’t let that stop you from buying this game! The good far outweighs these minor complaints. This is an excellent RPG with plenty to do, plenty to see, and plenty to kill. For $5 I was easily entertained for 15-20 hours and still have the other two characters to play. The graphics are excellent, the gameplay is fun and character building is a great added feature. Overall, this game is incredibly solid and I’m looking forward to trying the other characters and would be thrilled if Gameloft came out with an Expansion.

I’m very excited at what the success of this game will mean for the Touch and iPhone. Underworld was a solid RPG. Dungeon Hunter goes even further and offers great graphics and excellent gameplay. I’m hoping this means more RPGs will be forthcoming. You might not be able to unleash a multitude of deadly combinations by hitting multiple keys, but clearly you can combine combat, weapons, magic and skill trees and deliver a kickass game for the Touch. I can’t wait to see what gets delivered next. Would we ever see Ultima for the Touch?

Multiplayer Dungeon Hunter? Oh it boggles the mind! 🙂

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