How to get rid of IE6, the easy way
Ignoring the fact that this guy is an idiot, a zealot and has obviously never worked in a true IT shop and done a deployment, I agree with his statement that IE6 needs to be eradicated.
Five cures for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 6 ills
Not only is IE6 a horrible browser with more bugs than a Thai bath house, it has problems rendering all but the most simplistic of web pages, hasn’t been updated in years and is perhaps one of the slowest pieces of software out there. But yet, it’s still hanging on. For some reason, people are reluctant to put this creature to bed. Considering the upgrade is free, this level of stupidity boggles the mind.
You will never convince me there is a business reason to keep IE6 around.
However, I have a much simpler and much faster way to get rid of IE6; put a script on Google, Yahoo and Bing that detects IE6, informs the idiot they can no longer run searches in that browser and sends them over to the Microsoft Update site. I guarantee within 2-3 days IE6 will be gone from even the most ardent cave dwellers machine.
For those that might escape that net, put it on YouTube and the American Idol site to snag the rest.
Problem solved.