Roboform on Ubuntu – And on sale

To put it simply, I can’t work without Roboform. There is no better way of dealing with web site passwords. Now that I’m in the midst of my Ubuntu musings I find I don’t have Roboform at my disposal as I once did. However, until there is a native version of Roboform for Ubuntu there is a pretty easy workaround to make your passwords available in a different OS.

First thing you need to do is go here and create an online account so you can sync your passwords. This is the same account you would make if you want to sync your passwords to your iPhone/iPod Touch (which I have also done).

With the account created sync your passwords.

Back on that same Roboform page, drag the Roboform link on the right to your toolbar.

Now, whenever you need to log in, click the Roboform button on your toolbar and your list of synced passwords will appear.

Pretty easy and very handy.

But wait! There’s more!

Roboform is having a Valentine’s Day sale. You cam get Roboform for 20% off which makes the price $23.95. Not a bad savings for this incredibly handy app! Plus you can get it working cross-platform no problem.


Get the full instructions on the Roboform Bookmarklet page

Handcrafted with care just for you.

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