Massive shopping spree on iTunes

I couldn’t help myself, I went crazy and bought several new games and downloaded a couple of free ones.

I started off with Yahtzee, grabbed Monoply, and followed it up with ZombieSmash, Medieval, Castle Frenzy, Gold Rush and Railroad. And if that wasn’t enough, I got Fargoal, Cobra Command, and Crap of Defense for free. All this new stuff should keep me entertained for at least a few minutes if not an hour or two. 🙂

Actually this is a pretty damn good haul of games for less than $10. Too bad I didn’t know about these games over the weekend, I could have had a grand ol’ time playing them while sitting on the back deck drinking Corona. But, there’s always next weekend.

If you’ve come as an elf, see it through as an elf.

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