Swords and Poker 2 – Now in the App Store

It’s a crazy mixture of poker and RPG, but strangely, it makes for a very interesting game. Swords and Poker 2 has made its way to the App Store. I haven’t grabbed my copy yet, but I’ve had a great time playing the original for several months now. It’s a great little game that adds plenty of fun once you get through the first few levels and can buy weapons, shields and a bigger coin purse. Once you get moving along you can dole out some serious damage, even when you can only make a pair.

From the things I’ve read, version 2 is more like an expansion pack. It’s got new monsters, new scenery and some changes to the UI, but overall the game is still the same thing. I grabbed the first game when it was $0.99 and saw the price rocket up to $3.99. If it were $0.99 again I would snatch it up without thinking, but the $2 intro price makes me pause for a moment. If it’s really that similar I don’t want to waste the money.

I’ll be checking the reviews to see how people like it. If you get a copy let me know, I’m anxious to hear how it is.

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