Huge $0.99 Sale on Electronic Arts Mobile Games!

And I mean huge! In fact, it pisses me off! Need for Speed: Undercover and Need for Speed: Shift are both on sale for $0.99 and I just bought them for $2.99 and 4.99!! Damn you! Man I could saved a ton on those two games alone!

But anyway, other games on sale for $0.99 include The Game of Life, Yahtzee, Trivial Pursuit, Madden NFL 10, FIFA 10, Simcity, NBA Live and Tiger Woods.

Just getting Need for Speed for $0.99 is worth it! Man! I wish I would have waited a week! But oh well, I’m grabbing a couple games to make up for it!

Oh yeah, the sale is only for 48 hours, so get a move on!


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