Upgrade, Upgrade, Upgrade!

Big day for Apple and like so many I jumped on board to download the latest iOS4. First, I had to update iTunes since I didn’t have 9.2. That actually took longer to install than the iOS4 update to the Touch.

So far the iOS4 update is pretty cool. The wallpaper and animations are pretty neat, but I’m not used to everything just suspending to the background. I checked it this morning and I had a slew of apps just sitting there. They were small so I guess they had no impact on performance. But so far, everything seems to be running fine. The multi-tasking should be very useful for my audiobook apps. I should be able to listen to the book and actually do something else if I want to.

Plus, Ask The Tiki runs lightning fast on the new OS. It starts right up where you left off. 🙂

This space for rent.

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