Massive updates and time for a few security measures

My machine has more bugs than a Thai Bath House. Damn, I really need to make sure I install those damned Windows updates. But hey, there are so many it’s hard to keep up.

I installed SuperAntiSpyware and had it root out hundreds of suspect items on my machine. Most of them were tracking cookies (which annoy the crap out of me) but it also flagged a couple of DLLs and a few items lurking in the temp folder. I have Internet Privacy Pro which should delete that funk out of there, but I guess I need to run it a little more often. Or maybe I should stop visiting some of those shady web sites I find myself at – through no fault of my own of course.

I also fired up Secunia and paid attention to the updated apps list it showed me. I’m not batting a thousand here. I’ve turned my machine into a flaming pile of cow dung from the wrong side of the tracks. Not that there’s a right side for a flaming pile of cow dung, but you get the point.

And now that I have things up to date I’m letting Copernic scan the 10TB of hard drive space I have (I bought another 2TB drive) so I can actually see where all my files are.

Why did I buy Copernic instead of using the free Google Desktop? Simple. Considering the rather militant anti-privacy stance they seem to be taking these days, I really don’t need to have a list of every movie, every software app, every picture, every tax document, online receipt or email sitting on Google’s servers so they can wade through it and find out how they’re going to make money off it. They already know too much, I’m not helping them out.

Checked your machines recently? What sort of scary things did you find?

It's bad luck to be superstitious.

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