Some interesting new gizmos from the Apple Event

Overall the event was pretty interesting. The iPods were interesting. The Touch gets a camera and the retina display as I’m sure everyone was expecting. Nothing too exciting with all those – as far as an upgrade goes. If you don’t have a Touch that would definitely be a great buy.

iTunes 10 looks pretty interesting. The Ping option seems neat for those that plan to use it. I don’t use iTunes that way so not much for me there. The Apple TV looked pretty cool, and when you combine iTunes with Netflix, that is a whole lot of entertainment. That could be a pretty cool combination. Interesting that only Fox and ABC chose to sign up. On the surface it looks pretty interesting, will definitely have to get more details on how all of that is going to work. Content producers really need to get on board something like the Apple TV if they want to get more content into the hands of paying customers and move away from everyone downloading shows through torrents.

But anyway, pretty predictable stuff. Each one gets a few niceties so that’s not too bad. No new upgrades for me, but I like the new devices. I will have to check out the Apple TV, a combination of iTunes with Netflix could be a lot of really good programming.

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