IRemoteDesktop, a nice RDP client

Was just messing around with iDesktopRemote and I have to say it works pretty damn well. First off, this program actually connects to a Windows Server instead of just Windows Desktop clients. Second, for basic functionality the app is free. I was able to connect to a Win 2003 Server right out of the box, start some apps and check out the file structure. The thing to remember is that you really are looking at Windows so it is a little awkward to navigate around with your finger. Also, there is no right click or scrolling with a mouse (that is apparently available in the full version) so you might have some trouble opening links in a new window and those sorts of functions. Windows doesn’t understand textbox inputs like the iPad does, but there is a small button to pop out a keyboard when you need it. (at least you’re not pressing a button on the side of the device to get a keyboard to come out)

However with this free version you can make sure it will work for you and if you just need a quick way to check on a sever or workstation this might be all you need.

I am very impressed with how it works and I’m tempted to upgrade to the full version to get double click and right click functionality. It’s only $4.99 whereas other similar apps are $14 or $20 for the same feature set.

Plus, running a full version of Windows on an iPad is just incredibly amusing! Gates and Jobs are probably both rolling their eyes.

Maybe I should've written that in a different font.

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