It’s time for some Fall cleanup

I’m not sure if tools like Tune-Up Utilities really help a system or not, but I figure there can’t be any harm. If nothing else, it focuses your attention on maintaining your system and removing all those unused apps and getting that Startup folder under control. I grabbed Tune-Up 2010 for a bargain price which also gave me a pre-order for Tune-Up 2011. Since then, I’ve been scouring my system cleaning out the old files and seeing what sort of disarray I’ve gotten my system into. And I have to say, it’s pretty bad.

I’ve got dozens of old, unused apps that are just sitting there. Hell, there’s stuff I didn’t even know I had installed. Plus, there are dozens of old folders that were used for storing files that I no longer need and lots other space wasters going on. If nothing else, I’ve gotten some space back.

Tune-Up actually has a pretty nice collection of tools. I’ve done the typical tools of deleting temp folders and crash dumps as well as defragging the drive. I’ve also let is clean out the old entries in my Registry. Considering the old apps that probably wasn’t a bad idea. I really don’t know if those speed up a machine, but it does seem to clean out a lot of old junk.

I’m not sure the machine is actually faster yet, but it does look a little cleaner and it’s no worse for wear so that’s a good thing. I’m curious about the Turbo Mode and Live Optimization functions, but it’s only been running for a few days so we’ll see if those make any difference in the long run.

Anybody else using tools like Tune-Up Utilities to clean out the old apps from their system? Did you notice a difference?

Thanks for reading you majestic sausage.

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