A Year of Windows 7

Wow, it’s hard to believe Windows 7 has already been around for a year. Or more to the point, it’s hard to imagine I’ve been putting up with it for that long. I’ve been using Windows 7 everyday for a year both at home and at work and I’m no more a fan of it now than when it first came out. To put it bluntly I find Windows 7 lacking. I still maintain it’s nothing more than Vista SP3. It looks the same, it acts the same, it has many, if not all of the same quirks.

I don’t like the File Explorer. I can’t stand the UAC and had to turn it off. The picture import function is moronic. It lacks a taskbar that stretches across multiple monitors. I’ve had plenty of problems with Sleep Mode and Networking. I don’t like the grouping function of tasks. I don’t like that Taskbar flyout. And Control Panel is a goddamn mess!

When all is said and done, Windows 7 is a completely ho-hum upgrade and a "yeah whatever" OS on it’s own. It doesn’t offer any substantial functionality gains over Vista (which I thought turned into a decent OS after the disastrous start). And as an actual Operating System there is PLENTY or work Microsoft can do for the next rev.

I know MS has shipped hundreds of millions of copies because of people buying new machines and through upgrades. All I can say is, if I had paid retail prices for my upgrade I would be fuming mad. This OS wasn’t worth the dirt cheap price I paid. Truly, I think this will be last Windows OS I buy. No doubt I will keep using Windows at work, but I am more and more inclined to start migrating over to Ubuntu. As I look at what I do, there just isn’t that many apps that I specifically need Windows for. I’m even considering switching over to a Mac for my photography work. The photography world was all but built on the Mac so there is no shortage of apps on that side of the fence.

Windows, I’m just not that into you…

This space for rent.

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