Pocket Weather World HD

I just saw this app come across as free so I decided to check it out. It’s actually very nice. It allows you to check the weather and time in a variety of locations around the world. I was able to add 5 locations without any problem. And the display is very nice. It shows a 5 day forecast with both the high and the low temps for each day. It also gives other information like sunrise, sunset, humidity, dew point, visibility and more. Quite honestly it’s a lot of information in a well laid out display.

At first I thought it had a bug and wouldn’t display the local time for each location. By default this is turned off and is easily changed in the settings menu. If you’re looking for a weather app this one is looking pretty slick. And right now, it’s free! I say you give it a try!



Maybe I should've written that in a different font.

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