You calling me a liar?

Things have gotten out of hand. Now our manager is saying we’re not doing our jobs, we need hand holding and micromanagement, we haven’t grown in the positions we’re currently in and that he’s perfectly capable of doing his job. He’s basically saying we’re the ones that need to change and the fact that we need a manager at all means we suck. What the hell kind of talk is that? Now he’s all manner of pissed off at us for talking to his manager and saying he isn’t doing his job. According to him we’ve been doing this long enough we shouldn’t need supervision and keeping us informed about what the company is doing isn’t his job. Oh hell, we’ve stepped in it now.

Time to ditch Dropbox

It pains me to say but it’s time to get rid of Dropbox. It’s been an amazing free service but the security breaches and flaky terms of service have me thinking this is not the place to store my files. And no, I don’t have anything cool or top secret but that doesn’t mean I want some damn fool being able to access my account without my knowledge. Or have Dropbox turn over the contents for no apparent reason. I also think this shows why Cloud computing and storing things in the Cloud is problematic and quite frankly dangerous. Dropbox made it easy to get files onto my iPad and to make files and information I had at work available to me at home. It’s a very nice system but when the Gatekeepers are asleep at the wheel what are you gaining? One small mistake and the information for millions of users is just sitting out there waiting for anyone […]

Time to ditch Dropbox

It pains me to say but it’s time to get rid of Dropbox. It’s been an amazing free service but the security breaches and flaky terms of service have me thinking this is not the place to store my files. And no, I don’t have anything cool or top secret but that doesn’t mean I want some damn fool being able to access my account without my knowledge. Or have Dropbox turn over the contents for no apparent reason. I also think this shows why Cloud computing and storing things in the Cloud is problematic and quite frankly dangerous. Dropbox made it easy to get files onto my iPad and to make files and information I had at work available to me at home. It’s a very nice system but when the Gatekeepers are asleep at the wheel what are you gaining? One small mistake and the information for millions of users is just sitting out there waiting for anyone […]

Things have gotten bad

We had a talk to upper management about our management and he’s in agreement something needs to be done. However, our direct manager thinks otherwise has decided to dole out some vengeance on us. He is no way willing to take on the responsibilities we want him to, nor does he feel he needs to turn them over to someone else. As far as he’s concerned everything is just fine and we’re just complaining. We’ve been doing it this way for months so why change things now? Um, because we’re doing your job and not getting paid for it? Here’s a thought, do your own job. Stop relying on us to bail your ass out at every turn. Maybe you should attend your own product meetings. Maybe you should know what projects we’re working on. I know these are unreasonable demands, but maybe we can reach some middle ground.