Change Up – The Movie

After reading the less than flattering comments made by Roger Ebert I was anxious to see this one. I mean seriously, how many times does he get to use the scatological for a movie review? That alone is noteworth.

So how was it? Did it lower itself to expectations and reveal what happened to Van Wilder after college?

Yes indeed there was a lot of crude humor, random tit shots, pregnant chicks, potty humor, pissing, vulgarity and penis jokes, but honestly, I laughed a hell of a lot. I’d see that movie again. In fact I’m pretty sure I’ll be buying that one when it comes out on DVD. It just cracks me up to see Jason Bateman act like such a damn loon. He’s jumping around, playing with his balls (look freckles!, talking about oral sex and masturbation and even saying he should kiss his own dick (you have to see it to understand that one). It just seems so odd coming from him. There was a whole lot wrong with that movie but I liked it. It was crude, but it was the potty humor with some cleverness to it. For example, the baby projectile pooping onto Jason Bateman’s face and then into his mouth, is gross, but if you’re a parent you have to laugh because that is your biggest fear.

It plays to all those fears. The sexy siren Tatiana who looks hot and does all the weird stuff turns out to be 9 months pregnant. Or the wife who walks across the room topless seductively showing off her good only to sit on the toilet with explosive diarrhea and the door open. That’s just not cricket!

A hell of a lot of fun though. No Academy Awards will be given out but you should get a damn good laugh out of it.

If you’ve come as an elf, see it through as an elf.

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