The Kindle Fire is En Route

Amazon announced they were shipping devices early and mine started its journey yesterday afternoon. I checked this morning and it’s on the truck out for delivery. I have no doubt it will be waiting for me when get home. That’s an impressive delivery time. To add to the excitement I have the next two days off so I will have plenty of uninterrupted playtime. I’ll get it fully charged tonight and sync it with my Amazon account. It will be interesting to see the layout of books on a true Kindle and the Kindle app on the iPad.

I also get a free month of Amazon Prime so I’m very curious to see how it plays movies. Amazon keeps piling on features to the Prime offering so I think it will be hard to resist signing up for the upcoming year.

Anyone else get a Kindle Fire? What do you think? Any comparisons to the iPad?

Thanks for reading you majestic sausage.

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