Almost Perfect – Pete Peterson
Boy, what a trip down memory lane. It’s amazing to me WordPerfect made it as far as it did. They had no management experience, no structure, no advertising or marketing savvy, and did everything in a shoot from the hip mentality. They were more lucky than good. And for a word processing company they had nothing written down. They had no guidelines, no mission statement, no rules, no business plan, no handbook of any sort. They didn’t write down any notes and had meetings where "Pete" expounded his philosophy because no one knew what the company did. It has some interesting management philosophy, preferring to keep a flat structure rather than layer upon layer of management. But it was also interesting to remember all the word processors from back in the day. Word was but a babe, Lotus had Ami Pro, there was Wordstar, AppleWriter and dozens and dozens of little startups. It was the wild west, but WordPerfect became […]
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