360 Panorama

Here’s another little photography tool that might be worth a look. I love those big panoramic pictures of the city, the landscape, the canyons, but I’ve never put in the energy to try and make them myself. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of tools out there to help with the process, I just can’t get them all together at the right time.

Until now.

With 360 Panorama and either the iPad or the iPhone, you can take panoramic pictures whenever you want. I was experimenting with this yesterday on my iPad, and it comes across surprisingly easy. You point where you want the image to start and press "Start". The screen is turned into a large grid and you work you way from side to side, following the lines to keep the lens as level as possible. When you’ve travelled enough, I the iPad takes another image and stitches it to the first. As you pan across all the images are put together in one lone piece. You can then export that to Photo library and work with it from there.

As with any other panorama, it’s as perfect as you are steady. If you jump all over the place, so will the image. If you have a steady hand and stay within the lines, you should end up with some decent work.

I found the app to be wicked good fun and at only $0.99, I don’t really see a problem. It doesn’t have any real editing tools, so you can’t adjust the images within the iPad, but then again, based on the final size, why would you want to? That would best be handled through more dedicated software.

Since it’s fall and there are some wonderful landscapes to have, this might be the best time of the year to mess around with this. I don’t have images to show off just yet, but I plan to make some as soon as possible.


360 Panorama

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