Crime City Gun Locker Event and Epic Boss Event

Crime City is pulling out all the stops for this weekend with a 20% sale, a new Gun Locker event and an Epic Boss Event.

I do like the new Gun Locker Event where you get a reward for 3,5,7 and 9 pieces, rather than the 5, 10, 15 they had for the pearls. That is a bit more of an incentive. However, if the same 1 in to 10 chance holds, getting these new items will still be as much of a pain in the ass as ever. It took several dozen tries just to get the 11 pearls from the last event. And now that I have 4 piece, I bet it will take a dozen tries to get number 5.

The first few levels of Willie King have been fine, but of course it’s taking forever to beat him down. I doubt I’ll make it past level 12. Who the hell do you have to be to make it all the way to level 40?

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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