New Military Case and Walkie Talkie Event – Crime City

The embers from the Battle for Empire City as still burning, but it’s time to move to the Military Case Event. This is a 10 item event which I prefer with the top prize being a M-32 Thumper Rifle with 1873A and 965D. A pretty sweet weapon in it’s own, but add in that it has 40% more Respect From Fights and it’s a real beauty! My luck with getting 10 items is pretty piss poor, especially when the big prize is like this baby. At least we didn’t get screwed on time and have 5 days to open as many cases as possible and collect as many Walkie Talkies as we can. My first try was a big BLNT so I’m not off to a good start. Plenty of time left so hopefully I can pull this out. I was denied on the last event and the one before that, so maybe I’m due. Think I can get anywhere without spending gold? Me neither…


If you’ve come as an elf, see it through as an elf.

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