Posts by Pico – A WordPress Blogging Tool for the iPad Free for Today

I know very little of this app except that it interested me and I bookmarked it for notification of price drop. Well, today is that day. And what a price drop it is. Posts has dropped in price from it’s regular hefty price tag of $9.99 to Free for today. That’s an impressive $10 savings isn’t it?

I’ve just downloaded the app and hooked it to my site. The articles come down in little thumbnail images across a timeline of when they were published. From the description the editor allows HTML editing, comments can be processed through the app, posts can be written and stored until you get back online, different blog accounts are supported, you can control image width and height and it hooks into WordPress and Blogger.

The interface is reminiscent of Blogger+, which is an iPad app I bought quite some time, thought was quite good, but has sadly been discontinued. I always thought $9.99 was too high for a blogging tool, especially compared to the Free WordPress tool or the $2.99 Poster and $3.99 Blogsy. If you come to the party with a $9.99 price tag you better be able to back it up.

You can’t argue with free, so let’s see if "Posts" has the goods.

Posts by Pico on iTunes a WordPress and Blogger publishing tool


Thanks for reading you majestic sausage.

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