File Case Event with Political Dossier–Crime City
Three events at once is the name of the game. The File Case Event has also kicked off. So right now you should have the Tell No Tales event (for a few more hours anyway), the Street Brawl Event and now the File Case Event. There is looting and pillaging at every turn!
This is a 20 case event with the ultimate prize of the Political Backstabber coming in at 1300 Attack and 937 Defense. It really doesn’t compare to the Street Incinerator of the Street Brawl Event, but every bit helps!
My luck has been horrible for this event. I’ve tried multiple times and only have 1 successful open. The odds are not in my favor so far. Hopefully I can turn that around and at least get to number 15. That seems to be where I end up in these events and I at least want to make a good showing of it.
There is a lot to do this weekend so, Good Luck!