New Limited Time Building on the horizon? The No Interest Savings

It’s not out yet, but there is talk of a new building. I guess we’ll see it shortly, but it might look a little something like this:

Better start saving up and plan your upgrades according. Don’t get caught short. I think I get around 4 or 5 upgrades out of this one. The weapons don’t look too bad, but really, Monopoly Hat???

Update: The new building is out with the name of No Interest Savings. This is part of the Investment Schemes Limited Time Building Event.


Lvl Income Tycoons Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time ROI* Hourly Income Event Bonus Item Category
1 $1.000.000 $1.100.000 $78.600.000 24:00:00 1572 $50.000 Early Celebration (418A / 386D) Melee
2 $2.000.000 $2.200.000 $131.262.000 30:00:00 2625 $100.000 Monopoly Hat (426A / 611D) Armor
3 $3.500.000 $3.850.000 $219.207.540 36:00:00 2922 $175.000 Greenbacks (826A / 649D) Explosive
4 $5.500.000 $6.050.000 $366.076.591 42:00:00 3660 $275.000 Ten-spot Buck (1006A / 1005D) Gun
5 $8.000.000 $8.800.000 $611.347.906 48:00:00 4890 $400.000 Bank Rolla (1395A / 1286D) Vehicle
6 $11.000.000 $12.100.000 $1.020.951.003 54:00:00 6806 $550.000 Bling Fist (2021A / 1465D) Melee
7 $14.500.000 $15.950.000 $1.704.988.175 60:00:00 9742 $725.000 Golden Vest (1814A / 2610D) Armor
8 $18.500.000 $20.350.000 $2.847.330.252 66:00:00 14236 $925.000 Golden Guardian (2362A / 3135D) Gun
9 $23.000.000 $25.300.000 $4.755.041.520 72:00:00 21133 $1.150.000 Money Truck (3350A / 3353D) Vehicle
10 $30.000.000 $33.000.000 $7.940.919.338 78:00:00 31763 $1.500.000 Megabucks (8045A / 5362D) Explosive
If you’ve come as an elf, see it through as an elf.

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