New Limited Time Building on the horizon? The No Interest Savings
It’s not out yet, but there is talk of a new building. I guess we’ll see it shortly, but it might look a little something like this:
Better start saving up and plan your upgrades according. Don’t get caught short. I think I get around 4 or 5 upgrades out of this one. The weapons don’t look too bad, but really, Monopoly Hat???
Update: The new building is out with the name of No Interest Savings. This is part of the Investment Schemes Limited Time Building Event.
Lvl | Income | Tycoons | Upgrade Cost | Upgrade Time | ROI* | Hourly Income | Event Bonus | Item Category |
1 | $1.000.000 | $1.100.000 | $78.600.000 | 24:00:00 | 1572 | $50.000 | Early Celebration (418A / 386D) | Melee |
2 | $2.000.000 | $2.200.000 | $131.262.000 | 30:00:00 | 2625 | $100.000 | Monopoly Hat (426A / 611D) | Armor |
3 | $3.500.000 | $3.850.000 | $219.207.540 | 36:00:00 | 2922 | $175.000 | Greenbacks (826A / 649D) | Explosive |
4 | $5.500.000 | $6.050.000 | $366.076.591 | 42:00:00 | 3660 | $275.000 | Ten-spot Buck (1006A / 1005D) | Gun |
5 | $8.000.000 | $8.800.000 | $611.347.906 | 48:00:00 | 4890 | $400.000 | Bank Rolla (1395A / 1286D) | Vehicle |
6 | $11.000.000 | $12.100.000 | $1.020.951.003 | 54:00:00 | 6806 | $550.000 | Bling Fist (2021A / 1465D) | Melee |
7 | $14.500.000 | $15.950.000 | $1.704.988.175 | 60:00:00 | 9742 | $725.000 | Golden Vest (1814A / 2610D) | Armor |
8 | $18.500.000 | $20.350.000 | $2.847.330.252 | 66:00:00 | 14236 | $925.000 | Golden Guardian (2362A / 3135D) | Gun |
9 | $23.000.000 | $25.300.000 | $4.755.041.520 | 72:00:00 | 21133 | $1.150.000 | Money Truck (3350A / 3353D) | Vehicle |
10 | $30.000.000 | $33.000.000 | $7.940.919.338 | 78:00:00 | 31763 | $1.500.000 | Megabucks (8045A / 5362D) | Explosive |
If you’ve come as an elf, see it through as an elf.