Let’s Play Zombie Driver HD!

I really like having a separate machine set up to play games. And since the Steam sale has robbed me of all my money I jumped in and checked out some of the loot I walked away with.

That brought me to Zombie Driver HD. Several months back I wrote about Gears and Guts, a wonderfully gory driving game for the iPad where you drive missions to dispatch the zombie horde that’s invaded the city. It was a really good game that was utterly ruined by in-app purchases. I had so much fun playing that game then got fuming mad when I couldn’t get any further without spending loads of real cash.

Enter Zombie Driver HD. A desktop based version with the same concept. Get behind the wheel of a large automobile and run missions to save survivors and beat back the zombie horde. I got it for a steal during the Steam sale and had a wickedly good time playing. It uses a controller which is very nice and I spent plenty of time running over a slew of zombies as they stalked the streets.

The goal is to build bigger, better, more destructive cars so you can save more people and do your best to get the city back under control. It’s very easy to learn and before you know it a few hours have gone by and dozens of zombies have been caught up in your wheel well. It combines the excitement of high speed urban driving with the fear of having your brains eaten out by a zombie. What more could you ask for?

I absolutely suck at this game, but then again you really don’t have to be very good to drive over the undead. Besides, there are machine guns mounted to the side of the car to help make the job easier.

Thanks for reading you majestic sausage.

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