Blood Bowl LXVIII PvP Tournament Reward and Prize List – Crime City

It’s time for the SuperBowl and another Crime City Blood Bowl to match. For Blood Bowl LXVIII you have just 3 days to achieve 600 PvP victories to win the ultimate prize of The Long Bomb with a 55000/45000 Attack and Defense rating. That is a lot of victories, but it’s certainly possible – if you get the right targets. The stats have changed a lot since the last time we had this event. If you remember, we had the exploding footballs last time that added a nice little bonus to your attack. But of course back then 600 extra attack was a big deal.

The prizes seem a little slim this time around in my opinion. It’s odd how one event has items with through the roof stats and then the next is so much more subdued. But oh well, for those that like the PvP aspect, here is a little something extra for the effort. And just to make the point, your PvP victories AREN’T CUMULATIVE which means it’s not 25 victories to jump from 75 wins to 100 wins – you start over and have to win another 100 fights. In order to complete The Blood Bowl you need to win 3457 fights in total. Pace yourself my friends. Pace yourself.

For all of those who attacked me and lost, I’m going to make you my bitch…

Good Luck!


Level Reward Atk/Def
Win 10 Fights Rookie’s Ride 1490/1219
25 Fights Fullback Pistol 1761/1174
47 Fights Offensive Helmet 1280/1921
75 Fights Hail Mary Bomb 1931/1585
100 Fights Huddle Smasher 2347/1565
150 Fights Ref’s Ride 2421/1981
200 Fights Cornerback Blaster 2767/2264
250 Fights QB Gloves 2347/6521
300 Fights Linebacker Shiv 3837/3169
350 Fights Toxic Football 5282/3521
400 Fights Trophy Car 6455/5282
450 Fights Tight End Rifle 7042/10536
500 Fights Wide Receiver Crossbow 21127/14084
600 Fights The Long Bomb 55000/45000

Blood Bowl LXVIII PvP Tournament by Assault and Flattery

If you’ve come as an elf, see it through as an elf.

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