So it’s time for a paradigm shift in the world of computers

So it’s time for a paradigm shift in the world of computers. In the past I’ve worked for companies that were Microsoft partners, that were Microsoft centric and some that were a mix. A previous web company did a lot of their dev work on Unix machines and even hosted sites on Unix servers, but they had a heavy mix of Windows machines and most of the desktops were Windows machines.

Recently, I switched over to a new company and for the first time in my career, I’ll be exclusively using a Mac. They embrace Open Source and over the years have shifted further and further away from MS products. Today I was given a new MacBook Pro and it’s the only machine I’ll get. It’s the same type of machine everyone else in the office has. The only difference is some are MacBook Air while others are iMac computers. Oh my goodness, this is incredibly different for me. I’ve used Macs in the past, but never as the sole workstation. I have to admit, I feel out of my element.

There is no semblance of Windows here. No Windows workstations, no Exchange Server for email and no AD.

The first order of business is to get used to this environment. I’ve wanted to get a Mac for the longest time and now I’m fully committed. The UI is a bit foreign to me and I’m having a bit of trouble getting around. The main thing I struggle with is where programs are installed. Just where do they go? I know there is no drive concept and it’s all part of the root, but it takes some getting used to.

Another issue is program selection. Some of the tools I’ve come to love and rely on aren’t available anymore. OneNote for Mac is vastly different. Why the devil can’t I save files locally?

I already miss DisplayFusion and ClipboardFusion. Oddly, I sort of miss Outlook as well. I’ve moved over to use the built in Mail client for OSX. It seems decent, but oh my goodness, does it look and feel different.

I also have to get used to the different keystrokes. There is a Control key, but it work the same way. That Command key will be my new friend. Where the devil is PgUp and PgDn?

What the hell is up with this Magic Mouse? This thing is weird!

This is going to be an interesting journey, not only because it’s a new company and a new roll, but going All-In on a Mac. No safety net, no way to jump over to Windows if this doesn’t work out. I have the Mac and that’s all there is to it. I have to make this work. I assume since everyone else here works this way I can adjust, might be a few bumps in the road for me as I change my way of thinking and doing.

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