Time to throw away Freemake

Even though I think the Freemake tools, VideoDownloader and VideoConverter, are pretty good, they have to be removed. Both Norton Internet Security and SuperAntiSpyware are throwing alerts every time they scan these files. In fact, Norton quarantines the latest versions as soon as they’re downloaded. They don’t enjoy me trying to put OpenCandy on my machine. It’s a real shame too since I paid for VideoConverter. But even though I have a key, there is no OpenCandy free download for me and it still tries dump it’s payload on my hard drive. Not good.

I understand Freemake needs to support themselves, but there has to be a better way. Let me buy the app so I can have a clean copy. Or at least let me put in the key and not riddle my machine with your ads.

It was a good ride while it lasted, but Freemake needs to change their model. Clearly you aren’t going to make any money when you’re apps are immediately trashed by Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware tools.

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