You may get Windows 10 whether you like it or not

I just came across this article in Forbes that says just annoying the hell out of you to upgrade to Windows 10 isn’t enough. Microsoft has designs to force you to upgrade to Windows 10 whether you like it or not.

Since Windows 10 is a free upgrade, what could possibly be the problem? There are two major topics that give me cause for concern. The first is, I’ve seen and read far too many things about all the tracking and spying Windows 10 does. If the details are correct, it tracks just about everything you do. I don’t want Windows tracking everything I type, the images I open, the videos I play, the music I listen to. I don’t need Microsoft knowing which games are in my Steam library and how many times I visit Amazon.That might be a dash of paranoia, but the fact Microsoft is logging computer usage makes me concerned and isn’t something I need in my life.

The second point is the fanatical approach they’re using and this desperate move to push to a subscription model. My concern is that once you decide to upgrade, or are forced into it, and don’t want the next OS, features up to and including actually accessing your own machine may get cut off.

It seems entirely possible and even plausible that if you don’t pay to upgrade, just like with an AV subscription, no more updates for you. No more connections to Windows Update, no hot fixes, no security patches. For some, that may not seem that bad, but would it stop there? What is to say Microsoft wouldn’t put your machine into a Reduced Functionality mode just like they have for Windows 7? But what if it that Reduced Mode was more just a little annoying? What if Microsoft decided reduced functionality meant you only had access to one hard drive, or one computer core, or 1GB of ram, or perhaps just one USB port? It might seem a little over the top, but with these strong-armed tactics to get people to upgrade, you have to wonder what they’re driving at.

From what I see, it’s pretty clear Microsoft is spying on Windows 10 users. I’ve already seen a couple of apps that are supposed to disable these spying tactics. But what else is hiding in Windows 10? I shouldn’t have to buy apps to protect me from my operating system.

None of my machines have been upgraded to Windows 10 and as it stands, I will hold out as long as possible and do what I can to keep that damnable GWX process from highjacking me. I’ve already seen the upgrade listed as a critical update that I keep unchecking.

In a different time, people would jump at the chance to get the latest OS for free so that makes me wonder. If Microsoft has to brow beat me into taking it, nag me endlessly, and even sneak it onto my machine when my back is turned, what the hell is wrong with it?

Microsoft Makes Windows 10 Upgrades Automatic For Windows 7, Windows 8

Maybe I should've written that in a different font.

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