Checking for Page Load with a Custom Keyword

While looking through my code, I decided to set up a single validation test that would check to make sure the page I wanted to work with loaded correctly. Instead of repeatedly using 10-15 lines to do it a few different ways, it seemed the better choice would be to create a Custom Keyword and use one line of code to call it each time.

To that end, I set up this simple, but rather effective Custom Keyword that looks for header text on the page I’m trying to get to. I set up the test to accept my chosen text as a parameter so I can pass it anything.

For each page I go to, there is some sort of header text that identifies the page. It may say Profile or Customer or Sales, but there is something I can use for validation.

I created the following Custom Keyword that simply looks for the header text I pass to it. For example, when the page is loaded, look for the text My Profile on it. If it’s there, the page loaded and the text will execute as expected.

If that text doesn’t appear, meaning some sort of problem has occurred, I get the title of the page, log an error and stop execution. Again, it’s a pretty simple test, but it’s proving quite effective.


def checkPageLoad(String findText) {
/* Confirm the correct page has loaded by looking for the requested text
* The search text is passed to the Keyword from the calling statement
* If the text is missing, determine the kind of error and display more meaningful text
def elementVisible = WebUI.verifyTextPresent(findText, false, FailureHandling.OPTIONAL)
if (elementVisible == false) {
//Get the title of the page and determine the kind of error
def title = WebUI.getWindowTitle()
log.logError('ERROR: The requested page did not load with the following error:= ' + title )
if (title=='There was an error'){
log.logError('ERROR: There is a Data Inconsistency Error')
} else {
log.logError('ERROR: The page could not be found - 404 error')
log.logWarning('--- The test ended unexpectedly with errors ---')
KeywordUtil.markFailedAndStop('ERROR: Unable to load the requested page - Test has failed')

To quickly explain the test:

It uses the WebUI.verifyTextPresent to find the text I passed.

If that text does not appear, it gets the WindowTitle which has an error message.

Based on the page title, one of two error conditions has occurred.

An error notice is written to the log file and the test is marked as Failed.

To call the Keyword and pass it the text I’m expected, I use this:

CustomKeywords.'errorCheck.validateSalesDashboard.checkPageLoad'('My Profile')

If the words, “My Profile” appear on the page, the test runs as normal. If they are missing, the error messages are logged and the test is halted. This gives me a way to make sure each page I interact with loads correctly and that the test is working with the correct page.

This Keyword is now called dozens of times from within my Test Cases. Additionally, I can change this in one source file rather going to each to make a modification. I have saved time and shaved off a few hundred lines worth of code.

It's bad luck to be superstitious.

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