Boostnote for Code Snippets

After working with Katalon Studio for several months, I have a wealth of code snippets and examples. And with my collection growing each day, where to store them all for easy access? The most common examples are in TypeIt4Me, but the rest need a good storage place that is easily searchable.

There are quite a few code snippet tools available such as Quiver and Snippetslab, but I recently got hooked up with Boostnote and find it’s just what I’m looking for.

Boostnote is a Markdown editor with syntax highlighting for dozens of languages with Groovy, Java, HTML and CSS right there in the mix.

Code can be organized into different folders and each snippet can be tagged for further grouping and easier search. Each snippet can have multiple tabs, so examples, links and other pieces of information can be found under a single header. For example you can have getText and setText examples for Katalon and Selenium tied together.

Boostnote works with Dropbox, Google Drive and other sync tools. It’s available for Windows, macOS and even tablets. Like the Atom editor, it has dozens of UI and Editor theme choices.

Since it has Markdown, I’ve also built a dashboard note with links to Katalon articles, the support forum, documents on my local machine, tutorial videos and blog sites. Both the code and additional resource material is available in one location.

For my needs, Boostnote is a very capable and highly configurable tool that let’s me organize code snippets into categories and allows plenty of flexibility for writing and recalling the next block of code.


Maybe I should've written that in a different font.

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