Selenium based Custom Keyword to Count Pagination in Katalon Studio
Another common task when working with web pages is to count the number of page results returned from a table. In most cases this means using the Webdriver to count the number of UL/LI elements in an object. This corresponds to the number of pages. Like counting the rows in a table, this can be set up as a Custom Keyword and called from any Test Case.
For the websites we develop, the pagination also contains extra buttons. There is usually an extra button to jump to the first entry and another for the last. There is also one to move forward by one page, and one to go back. Depending on how the pagination is put together there may be extra “pages” that aren’t actually part of the result set.
This means if there are 10 pages in the pagination area, and there are 4 navigation buttons, the actual number of pages you can get to is 6.
The pagination Custom Keyword Method I put together takes that into account. When checking for the number of pages available and thus determine how many results have been returned, the number of navigation pages is taken into account.
The Method below counts the number of pages available and determines, then counts back the number of navigation pages. This gives the actual number of pages worth of results. In this way you know just how far ahead you can jump. This also gives you a rough idea if the number of pages returned is within reason for the number of results that should be displayed.
def countPaginationResultsPerPage(String xpath, String paginationObjectName, int navButtons){
WebDriver driver = DriverFactory.getWebDriver()
//Find the Pagination ribbon on the page
WebElement Webtable=driver.findElement(By.xpath(xpath));
//Get the number of Line Item <li> in the table and turn it into a List
List<WebElement> TotalRowCount=Webtable.findElements(By.xpath(xpath));
//Get the size of the List, this is the number of buttons
int totalNumberOfButtons=TotalRowCount.size()
log.logWarning('Total Number of Buttons in the Pagination Ribbon:= ' + totalNumberOfButtons)
//Take out the page nav buttons > or >>, go back the passed in number of places to read the actual page number
int lastPageOfPagination=WebUI.getText(findTestObject(paginationObjectName, [('index') : totalNumberOfButtons-navButtons])).toInteger()
log.logWarning('Highest Page That Can Be Clicked On:=' + lastPageOfPagination)
return lastPageOfPagination
Then to call the Keyword, the xpath used to count the LI elements, the Katalon Object that defines the actual pagination object, and the number of navigation pages are included:
CustomKeywords.'commonCode.selenium.countPaginationResultsPerPage'(xpath, 1)